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Stanford Food Institute


In support of the academic mission of the university, the Stanford Food Institute was created by Stanford Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE) to advance research, education, policy, business, and practice to promote a holistic approach to improving what people eat, how they access food, and the role that food plays in our lives.



To create a wide-reaching platform to inspire and share ideas and investigate solutions for a better food future by uniting a community of people who are passionate about delicious, healthy and sustainable food.

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2 Pilot studies

4 Research studies with 20+ students and faculty partners

4 SFI student impact projects

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50 R&DE Teaching Kitchen classes reaching 440 students 

~8,000 industry leaders reached through SFI conference presentations

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64 Chef’s Tables 

10 Tasting Tables

R&DE stanford dining 7 partners with all 7 schools


The MCURC’s Collective Impact Initiative

The MCURC helps colleges and universities work together to reduce food-related emissions through research, education, and innovation – establishing metrics, collective targets, and a community of best practices that empower members with an enhanced understanding of the health and environmental impact of our collective purchases along with data-driven insights to help accelerate progress – while leveraging combined purchasing power toward shared goals. In 2019, we set a collective target to reduce food-related greenhouse gas emissions across the MCURC by 25% by 2030.



Dr. Shirley J. Everett

Dr. Shirley J. Everett, EdD, MBA   
Senior Associate Vice Provost   
Residential & Dining Enterprises Founder, Stanford Food Institute

eric montell

Eric Montell   
Assistant Vice Provost,   
R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality &   
Auxiliaries Founder, Stanford Food Institute


Sophie Egan, MPH
Senior Advisor
Stanford Food Institute
and Sustainable Food Systems

Tanya Holland
Senior Advisor

Elizabeth Hansen
Assistant Director of Hospitality
Strategy and Major Event

Alice Pyo
Outreach and Community 
Engagement Program Manager




Through the Stanford Food Institute’s quarterly newsletter, you gain insights about the latest events, news, and opportunities related to the Institute’s programs in food education, research, and flavor and innovation.

The Stanford Food Institute was created by Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE) to advance research, education, policy, business, and practice to promote a holistic approach to improving what people eat, how they access food, and the role that food plays in our lives. Through the monthly SFI Newsletter, we share more with you about how the Stanford Food Institute is working collaboratively across the university to support its three pillars of food Education, Research, and Flavor & Innovation.

Each month of the academic calendar,
the newsletter brings you:

  • What’s New at SFI
  • Upcoming Events—both online and in person
  • SFI Recommends—a regular compilation of curated podcasts, articles, books, social media accounts, newsletters, and more
  • Stanford News Roundup—the latest initiatives and developments across campus related to SFI’s core pillars and issue areas
  • DIY—a creative recipe or video from our chefs so you can see for yourself how delicious it can be to eat healthy, sustainable, globally-inspired foods

    Subscribe now!