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Brand Assets


R&DE Brand Standards Guide

A Brand Standards Guide was designed to assist members of R&DE to effectively and consistently build and protect the R&DE brand through visual communication.



R&DE Copy Style Guide

The Associated Press (AP) Stylebook seems to be the most commonly followed on campus. There are other style guides in use, particularly for academic purposes. And even though most follow AP, there are exceptions. For example, contrary to AP, the university uses what's known as the Oxford comma - a comma after the next-to-last item in a list of three or more.

When in doubt, clarity is the most important rule. Awareness of common rules can help ensure clarity. The following is a style guide with a few items that are unique to R&DE. Please contact Anthony Lopez or Jocelyn Breeland if you have questions.




R&DE has a primary logo that should be used on marketing and communication items produced by R&DE employees. The mark is available in different color treatments and arrangements, as well as in various formats (EPS and PDF for printing, JPEG and PNG for web and digital). Additionally, R&DE provides a range of marks for its various operations, programs and initiatives. Please use the red “Access Logos” box below to access R&DE approved marks and logos.

If you are in need of the Stanford University logo and standards, please visit

Professional Social Media Use

When you are professionally engaging on social media, please consult the R&DE 3-phase approach process for social media approval. 

Personal Social Media Use

Even when you are personally engaging on social media, a Stanford affiliation on your profile has the ability to affect the university as a whole. If you identify your affiliation with Stanford in your profile or comments, other users will naturally associate you with the university.


  • Statement on your profile “The views expressed on this platform do not constitute official statements on behalf of Stanford.
  • Cannot use Stanford or R&DE marks