2024-25 Housing Residence Agreement
Residence Agreement Terms and Conditions
Welcome to R&DE Student Housing! This Residence Agreement includes the legal terms, conditions and policies you agree to each time you file a housing application. The Residence Agreement sets forth the expectations of Stanford University and Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE) to ensure that you and others in your community have a successful year in housing and dining. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have by submitting a ServiceNow help ticket (services.Stanford.edu) to the attention of Housing Assignments.
On This Page
- General Provisions
- Governing Law and Claims
- Eligibility for University Housing
- Contract Start and End Dates
- Unauthorized Occupancy
- Canceling or Terminating Your Residence Agreement
- Meal Plans
- Rate, Billing, and Payment Information
- Sublicensing
- Force Majeure
- Supplemental House Agreements
- Disclosures, Notices & Warnings
- Building Security
- Privacy of Housing Information
- Residence Agreement Policies and Procedures
General Provisions
This Residence Agreement is a legal and binding contract. Please read and fully understand the contract, which includes the Residence Agreement Terms and Conditions (this document), the Residence Agreement Policies and Procedures, and the Residence Agreement Contract Dates available on the R&DE Student Housing website at: /studenthousing/residence-agreement-overview. Your contract, including these Terms and Conditions, the Residence Agreement Policies and Procedures, and the Residence Agreement Contract Dates are referred to in this document, collectively, as the “Residence Agreement” or “Agreement.” The university reserves the right to make changes to the Residence Agreement, including incorporated policies, from time to time without prior notice. The Residence Agreement in the form as it exists online on the R&DE Student Housing website is the governing document as of that time and contains the then-currently applicable policies and information.
All students are required to agree to the terms of the Residence Agreement when they submit their housing applications in Axess. By accepting the Residence Agreement you are agreeing to abide by the legal terms, conditions and policies established by Stanford University and R&DE. The Residence Agreement becomes valid once you have been assigned a space provided by R&DE Student Housing. The Agreement remains binding for the duration of the applicable university calendar year for all of the terms a student is in residence during that calendar year.
By agreeing to the terms of the Residence Agreement, you agree to pay the required room and board rates, technology fees, house dues, administrative fees, and any other miscellaneous fees established by Stanford University for the student residence(s) to which you are assigned for your contract period. Rate and fee information is available on the R&DE Student Housing website.
You also agree to familiarize yourself and comply with the policies incorporated in the Residence Agreement; to be considerate of other residents and all staff assigned to the residences; and to respect the rights of others at all times. Residence Agreement Policies and Procedures cover expectations while living in housing, housing assignments, housing accommodations, and many other important topics. Students should carefully review and familiarize themselves with the Residence Agreement Policies and Procedures available on the R&DE Student Housing website at: /studenthousing/apply/residence-agreement. All of the provisions of the Residence Agreement remain in effect for students living in R&DE Student Housing (with university permission), whether within or outside of normal contract periods. Students who are authorized to move in early or stay late are responsible for any applicable housing charges as established by the university for early arrival or late departure.
The Residence Agreement is not a lease and is not subject to California landlord-tenant laws. It is a license to occupy institutional housing as part of the academic community that the university has created as an integral aspect of the academic experience. A license is a revocable contract, and as such, the university retains the right to revoke the right to occupy university residences at any time. This agreement does not grant rights to or possession of a particular room or residence or type of housing (further references in this Agreement to “room” shall mean a room, apartment, and/or suite). Individual students have no entitlement to live in a specific residence. You may be temporarily or permanently relocated to other housing or denied the privilege to live in any university housing at any time in accordance with university policies, for emergency purposes, or as required by law. Rebates are not offered to students who must temporarily or permanently relocate to other housing assignments.
Conduct in violation of the rights of others; unlawful discrimination, including on the basis of sex and gender (Title IX violations); misrepresentation of facts during the assignment process or on your housing application; violation of the University’s Code of Conduct or Fundamental Standard; or violation of any of the terms of this Residence Agreement or any supplemental house agreement is grounds for the immediate termination of your occupancy and/or the withdrawal of future university housing privileges. Further violation of this Residence Agreement may result in university disciplinary action under Stanford’s Fundamental Standard or other applicable university policy or procedure. Students deemed ineligible for university housing and denied housing privileges for violation(s) of this Agreement remain financially liable for the entire term of the quarter in which they are removed. The determination of violations of the Residence Agreement and all decisions regarding petitions for exceptions to any policies in the Residence Agreement are made by the Senior Director of R&DE Student Housing Assignments, the Assistant Vice Provost of R&DE Student Housing Operations and Stanford Conferences, and by other designee of the Senior Associate Vice Provost for Residential & Dining Enterprises, and/or the Dean of Students.
Should any term, clause or provision of this Residence Agreement be determined by any final decision of any court to be wholly or partially illegal or invalid, the validity of the remaining terms, clauses, and provisions shall not be affected thereby, and said illegal or invalid term, clause or provision shall be deemed not to be a part of this Residence Agreement.
Governing Law and Claims
Governing Law. This Residence Agreement is to be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, excluding its conflict-of-laws rules.
Jurisdiction and Venue. The venue for any legal action involving this Residence Agreement will be either the United States District Court for the Northern District of California or the Superior Court of California in the County of Santa Clara. Exclusive jurisdiction as to any claim or action arising out of or relating to this Residence Agreement shall be in those Courts, and you and the University hereby submit to the personal jurisdiction of those Courts with respect to such claims and actions.
Class Action Waiver. Claims and actions arising out of or relating to this Residence Agreement may not be litigated on a class or representative basis. You and the University may only bring such claims and actions against each other in their individual capacities, and not as a representative plaintiff or as a class member in any purported class action or other representative proceeding.
Eligibility for University Housing
Academic-year Eligibility
To be eligible to move into or live in university housing during the academic year (autumn, winter and spring quarters for all students), you must be an enrolled student as determined by the Office of the Registrar during each quarter of occupancy, be in good academic and financial standing, and have no enrollment or housing holds.
If you choose not to enroll at the university, terminate your enrollment, are suspended or expelled from the university, or have a housing hold placed on your account, you must file the applicable Cancellation or Termination of Occupancy Form via Axess, vacate your residence, and return your key(s) immediately. Students auditing classes, enrolled in the Master of Liberal Arts part-time graduate program, or matriculating through the Honors Cooperative Program (part of SCPD) are not eligible for housing.
Other eligibility criteria apply to individual groups of students as shown below:
Graduate Students
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of eight units or as a Terminal Graduate Registrant (TGR).
- Graduate students, including coterms living in graduate housing, who are approved to enroll in a graduation quarter through the Office of the Registrar are eligible to continue their housing agreement but also can file a termination of occupancy to end their contract.
- Graduate students who are approved to have a reduced course load (minimum of 3 units) through the Office of Accessible Education are eligible to continue their housing agreement but can also file a termination of occupancy to end their contract.
Requests for Graduate Students to Stay in Housing While Not Enrolled
Graduate students can stay in housing without being enrolled if one of the following petition types is filed and approved by R&DE Student Housing Assignments.
Post-Graduation Quarter Petition
Upon filing a petition in Axess, graduate students may be permitted to stay in housing without being enrolled for the quarter immediately after degree conferral. Petitions are reviewed and approved according to the following criteria:
- Petitions are approved on the condition that all enrolled students can be accommodated. This may be based on projected demand. It is very unlikely that post-graduation petitions will be approved for autumn or winter quarters, due to the demand from enrolled students.
- Priority will be based on the date the petition was filed in Axess and the reason for staying (in the event that not all petitions are approved).
- Students may not audit classes or work on an honor’s thesis, an honor’s project, a dissertation, or any outstanding incompletes during this post-graduation quarter.
- Petitions must be filed for winter quarter via Axess by October 25, 2024, for spring quarter by February 7, 2025, and for autumn quarter by May 2, 2025. Students who graduate at the end of spring quarter and are in a full-year contract are automatically permitted to stay in housing for summer quarter until the end of the eight-week contract period (August 17, 2025 for singles and couples; August 4, 2025 for students in family housing) and do not need to file a petition.
- In evaluating post-graduation quarter petitions, Housing Assignments may consult with the Graduate Life Office and/or the Dean of Students Office as to prior behavioral concerns that may affect a student’s eligibility to remain in housing.
Vacation Quarter Petition
Upon filing a petition in Axess, graduate students may be permitted to live in housing as non-enrolled students for either autumn, winter, or spring quarter if the following criteria is met:
- An official one-term leave from the university has been filed and approved by the Office of the Registrar.
- Student has been enrolled with a minimum of 3 units during the previous three consecutive quarters (including summer).
- Student must be enrolled the quarter following their leave.
- Student has been living in housing during the previous term and will remain in continuous occupancy in their same room or apartment.
- Student is not enrolled in a co-terminal degree program.
Pregnancy, Childbirth and Non-birth Parent Leave Petition
- Students need to file a petition in Axess to remain in housing during pregnancy, childbirth, and non-birth parent leaves, as described further below.
- Any pregnant graduate student is eligible to retain access to Stanford housing for up to two consecutive academic quarters while on childbirth accommodation and/or pregnancy leave around the time of the birth. These quarters count against a student’s priority years in housing.
- Non-birth parent leave can be approved for up to one quarter and this must be the quarter in which the child is born or adopted unless a different length is approved by the student’s department. This quarter counts against a student’s priority years in housing. Non-birth parents include spouses/partners of individuals anticipating or recently experiencing the birth of a child, parents who adopt a child, and parents by means of surrogacy.
Undergraduate Students
- Undergraduate students must be enrolled full time or have a reduced course load as approved by the Registrar’s Office. If not enrolled full time, undergraduate students must have an approved 13th Quarter petition or a Permit to Attend for Services Only.
- Undergraduate students graduating at the end of winter quarter can petition Housing Assignments for a post-graduation quarter for spring quarter. It is important to note that Financial Aid is not available for undergraduate students on a post-graduation quarter after their degree is conferred. In evaluating post-graduation quarter petitions, Housing Assignments may consult with Residential Education and/or the Dean of Students Office as to prior behavioral concerns that may affect a student’s eligibility to remain in housing.
- Undergraduate students, including coterms living in undergraduate housing, on a Registrar’s Office graduation quarter are not eligible to live in R&DE Student Housing.
Non-Matriculated Students
- Non-matriculated students include postdoctoral scholars.
- Non-matriculated students are eligible to live in University housing only if all matriculated students can be accommodated.
- If all matriculated students cannot be accommodated, non-matriculated students may be required to move out of University housing before the end of their contract period.
- If your student status changes from matriculated to non-matriculated during the year, you must immediately inform R&DE Student Housing Assignments as you may not be eligible to continue in your housing.
Staff and Faculty Members
Staff and faculty members may be eligible and/or required to live in R&DE Student Housing; those individuals, as well as each of their family members approved to live with them in residence, are bound to the terms of the Residence Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, R&DE may require staff, faculty or approved family members who are not abiding by the Residence Agreement to leave housing immediately. Staff and faculty members who live in housing in connection with university assignments may be required to leave housing immediately when those assignments are terminated and/or when employment with Stanford ends.
Summer Quarter Eligibility
The students listed below are eligible to apply for Summer Quarter housing.
Matriculated Students Living in a Full-year Graduate Residence
Full-year contracts include the summer quarter unless you have filed a Termination of Occupancy form in Axess before the start of the summer contract period. Students who renew their contract for 2025-26 are not eligible to terminate their contract for the summer of 2025.
Matriculated Students without Full-year Contracts (contracts ending in June)
Stanford students without a full-year contract can apply for summer housing if they are in good academic and financial standing and are either:
- Enrolled for summer quarter
- Enrolled spring quarter, planning to enroll the following autumn quarter, and considered eligible for autumn quarter by the Office of the Registrar
- Graduating at the end of spring quarter 2024
- Graduate students considered by the Office of the Registrar to be eligible to enroll for autumn 2024
Non-Matriculated Students Visiting for the Summer
Non-Matriculated students visiting for summer are eligible to apply for summer housing if they are:
- Enrolled for at least three units through Summer Session. Note: International students from Stanford University obtaining an I-20 from Stanford University (Certificate of Eligibility for the F-1 Student Visa) or students with a tuition grant are required to maintain a minimum of eight units. Additional information is available on the Summer Session website for particular groups of students.
- Visiting graduate researchers who qualify for housing
Eligibility and Occupancy Requirements for Specific Categories of Housing
Single Student Housing
This housing is available to single students and students who are attending Stanford without their spouse, domestic partner, and/or children. If you live in Single Student Housing, occupancy of your room shall be limited to you and your assigned roommate(s), if any. When approved by the Office of Accessible Education, a documented live-in personal care attendant may live with a student.
Stanford uses one student per bedroom as the occupancy standard in single graduate housing, except for certain designated apartments where two students share one bedroom.
Please note that in shared apartment accommodations, bedrooms may be of unequal size. Students in smaller rooms are prohibited from requesting compensation from students in larger rooms.
Couple without Children Housing
This housing is available to students without children who are living with their spouse or domestic partner. For the purposes of the Residence Agreement, a domestic partnership is defined as two adults who have chosen to share one another’s lives in an intimate and committed relationship. Couples housing is not intended for friend pairs, siblings, parents, or members of a student’s extended family. Students with children, please see information about family housing.
Couple without Children Housing occupancy is limited to you and the spouse/partner listed on your housing application, with the exception of a documented live-in personal care attendant when approved by the Office of Accessible Education. You and your spouse or domestic partner must occupy your assigned space for at least 50 percent of any given week.
Couples made up of two Stanford students living in Couple without Children Housing must both apply for Single Student Housing if their relationship dissolves. They will be assigned to single student housing if space is available for students in their priority level.
Couples may apply for studios or one bedroom units.
Student with Children Housing
This housing is available to student parents who have legally dependent children living with them. If you live in Student with Children Housing, occupancy shall be limited to you, your spouse/domestic partner (if applicable) and dependent children who are listed on your housing application, and a documented live-in personal care attendant as approved by the Office of Accessible Education. Housing is not provided for extended family members, including parents and siblings of students or live-in child care staff. You and your dependent children must occupy your assigned space at least 50 percent of any given week.
Students with children are eligible for studios, one-, two-, three-, or four-bedroom units depending on the number of occupancy-eligible members of the family (student, child(ren) and spouse or domestic partner). For students with children, Stanford uses an occupancy limit of two persons per studio, and two persons per bedroom + one for larger units. For example, depending on availability, 1) a family comprised of a student-parent and child is eligible to live in a studio, one-bedroom, or two-bedroom; 2) a family comprised of a couple and one child is eligible to live in a one-bedroom or two-bedroom; 3) a family comprised of a couple and three children is eligible to live in a two-bedroom, three-bedroom or four-bedroom. Students should see the housing application for a complete list of housing options.
Change in Marital or Family Status
If a change in your marital or family status necessitates assignment to a different type of housing, you must immediately file a new application for the category of housing that now applies to you by completing the appropriate application in Axess. If the university is able to reassign you within a reasonable period of time, you must accept your new assignment. Your housing rate will change on the day you move into your new assignment. If the university is not able to reassign you to the type of housing appropriate to your new status within a reasonable period of time, you may petition to be considered for release from your housing contract at the end of the current academic quarter. You must file your petition before the end of the fifth week of the quarter in order to be released at the end of that quarter.
Students should not renew their current housing assignment if they anticipate a change in their status by the beginning of the next academic year. Instead, they should apply for the new category of housing in the annual housing Lottery. A student’s ability to change categories of housing is based on availability of space in the new category of housing, their Lottery number, and priority level.
Student spouses/partners who are not Stanford students are not eligible to stay in an apartment or apply for Single Student Housing if the Stanford student loses housing eligibility, moves away, the relationship dissolves, or the Stanford student is living away from the university while enrolled.
Stanford Hopkins Residences
This Residence Agreement applies to students who are assigned to and living in Stanford Hopkins Residences. You must be an enrolled Stanford student during each quarter of occupancy. For undergraduate students, time in residence at Stanford Hopkins Residences during autumn, winter, or spring quarters counts against the undergraduate housing guarantee. For graduate students, an assignment priority year is used if you are a graduate student staying at Stanford Hopkins Residences during autumn or winter quarter.
Please note that residential space is limited at the Hopkins Residences. Therefore, due to planned programming and occupancy rates, it may not be possible to support some medical accommodation requests at this facility.
Contract Start and End Dates
A list of general contract start and end dates is available on the R&DE Student Housing website Contract Dates 2024-25.
The dates of your specific contract are shown in your Axess account after you have been assigned housing. You are required to pay for all contracted dates even if you move in after your contract start date or move out before your contract end date. Additionally, if you are approved to move into your housing before your contract begins or stay after your contract ends, you will pay for these additional days in housing at the per diem rate. Whether or not a residence has traditional or electronic keys, students are required to check-in with their Housing Service Center before moving into their residences.
Your room will not be considered vacated until all belongings are removed and the key is returned to the appropriate Housing Service Center. If you are assigned a room that uses an electronic key or if you have lost a key that has been issued to you, you must check out with the Housing Service Center or send notification in writing the day of departure. Students will be charged for their room, including unauthorized occupancy charges, if applicable, until the Housing Service Center has confirmed that the room has been vacated.
Unauthorized Occupancy
If any student refuses to vacate a room or residence when no longer authorized to remain in university housing, the student will be liable for any costs incurred by Stanford in removing such student, including attorneys’ fees, court costs, or storage fees. Students may not remain as a guest in someone else’s room after checking out. Occupying a room or residence without authorization may result in withdrawal of current and/or future housing privileges and/or referral to the Office of Community Standards.
Additionally, if any student or their guest/sublicensee occupies a room or residence without authorization, the student will be charged an administrative fee of $450 upon discovery and $225 each day thereafter until the contract holder has confirmed that the space has been vacated and it has been verified by Student Housing staff. This includes unauthorized occupancy any time before or after contract dates, termination of occupancy dates, after eligibility for housing has ceased, or during academic recesses including winter break. This also applies if residents are found occupying a vacant space they are not assigned to, if guests are allowed to stay longer than permitted at any time, or if a student sublicenses their room without approval from R&DE Student Housing Assignments.
Canceling or Terminating Your Residence Agreement
You can cancel your assignment up until the time you accept your key and/or move into housing with the payment of an administrative fee (shown below). If you wish to terminate your contract after you have picked up your key or moved into housing, you will need to apply to terminate by filing a termination of occupancy form (available in the Axess student portal). There may be administrative fees and/or housing charges required for terminating your contract and vacating your residence early (see Termination of Occupancy below).
Canceling Your Housing Before You Move In
If you have not yet picked up your keys or moved into your residence, you may cancel your assignment in the Housing and Dining Portal in Axess. You will be responsible for paying an administrative fee as shown below. The administrative fees are determined by the date that you cancel your assignment or fail to move into housing as indicated below. Canceling may impact your priority and guaranteed years of housing (see notes below). Subject to the payment of the administrative fees described below, Stanford will credit any housing charges for the canceled period.
Pre-occupancy Cancellation Dates and Administrative Fees
Academic Term | Cancellation Date | Fee Charged |
Autumn Quarter | May 20 to June 30, 2024 July 1 to July 28, 2024 July 29 to August 11, 2024 August 12 to September 2, 2024 September 3, 2024, and after | $100 $250 $350 $400 $450 |
Winter Quarter | November 16 to November 29, 2024 November 30 to December 6, 2024 December 7 to December 29, 2024 December 30, 2024 to January 2, 2025 January 3, 2025, and after | $100 $250 $350 $400 $450 |
Spring Quarter | March 1 to March 7, 2025 March 8 to March 21, 2025 March 22 to March 27, 2025 March 28, 2025, and after | $100 $250 $350 $450 |
Summer Quarter | May 21 to June 5, 2025 June 6 to June 13, 2025 June 14 to June 22, 2025 June 23, 2025, and after | $100 $250 $400 $450 |
- New graduate students who refuse an assignment forfeit their guaranteed year of university housing, but still maintain a high priority for the remainder of their first enrolled year as a graduate student.
- For each assignment round, there is an application deadline. Students are subject to cancellation fees if they do not withdraw their application before the application deadline and are subsequently assigned housing.
- Students who cancel a housing assignment may reapply for housing for that specific quarter, but will receive a new application number and priority based on the new application date.
Terminating your Agreement After Moving Into Housing
If you plan or are required to move out of housing before the end of your contract period for any reason, you must file a Termination of Occupancy form in Axess. All termination requests are reviewed by R&DE Student Housing Assignments. The date of termination shall be set by Student Housing Assignments and is not effective until you have returned your key(s) and removed all of your belongings from your residence. If you are not eligible to cancel according to the terms of the Residence Agreement, you will be billed for the remainder of the academic year at the “contract-breaker” rate, as described below.
Permitted Reasons to be Released from Your Residence Agreement
You will be released from your Residence Agreement without charge if you:
- File a Termination of Occupancy in Axess by the end of the fifth week of the quarter prior to the quarter in which you are leaving. For example, if you wish to move out at the end of autumn quarter or during winter quarter, you must file your Termination of Occupancy form before the end of the 5th week of autumn quarter (see chart below)
- Meet one of the following criteria to be released without a fee:
- Eligibility has ended: You are or will no longer be eligible for housing (e.g. no longer enrolled, receiving terminal degree, taking or placed on leave of absence, housing hold, etc.).
- Studying or conducting research away from the Bay Area in an approved Stanford program: You will be an enrolled student, but will be studying or doing research at least 50 miles away from Stanford home campus (Bing Overseas Studies Programs, Stanford in Washington, Stanford in New York, graduate research, etc.).
- Students with Children: You live in Student with Children Housing.
PhD students who have defended their dissertation and can demonstrate in writing that they are moving more than 50 miles away may be released mid-quarter at the discretion of the R&DE Student Housing Assignments Office. Early termination fees may apply to students who are released mid-quarter. In spring quarter, no students will be released for this reason after week 5.
If you are released from your Residence Agreement for any of these permitted reasons, Stanford will credit a pro-rata portion of any housing charges billed for the academic term minus any applicable fees described herein, from the effective date of termination until the end of the applicable academic term.
University-Initiated Termination of Agreement
The university may terminate your agreement under any of the following circumstances.
- You are no longer eligible for housing and did not file a Termination of Occupancy form: If you lose eligibility for housing you must move out of housing immediately. Students who refuse to move out after being notified that they are no longer eligible for housing will be charged unauthorized occupancy administrative fees until they move out of housing ($225 per day and contract release fee of $450, if applicable).
- Housing Guarantee: The university reserves the right to terminate the occupancy of undergraduate students assigned to housing during an unguaranteed quarter in order to meet its housing obligations to a guaranteed undergraduate student.
Note: If you are released from your Residence Agreement pursuant to 1 or 2 above, Stanford will credit a pro-rata portion of the housing charges billed for the academic term minus any applicable charges described herein, from the effective date of termination until the end of the applicable academic term. - You breached the terms of the Residence Agreement or University Policy: The university may terminate this agreement and a student’s occupancy rights at any time after giving notice for any of the following reasons.
- You have failed to pay any amount due to Stanford under the Residence Agreement.
- You have breached the Residence Agreement or any supplemental house agreement (including, but not limited to, a breach of university residence policies, conduct in violation of the rights of others under University Policy including the Code of Conduct or Fundamental Standard, alcohol or drug violations, misrepresentation of facts during application or assignment process). Termination by the university pursuant to 3.1 or 3.2 above does not terminate your obligation to pay housing charges and you must still pay the contract-breaker charges (see below) for the remainder of the academic quarter in which you leave housing.
- Emergency Situation: The university may terminate the Residence Agreement and your occupancy rights at any time after giving you notice for the following reasons.
- If Stanford is closed or experiencing an emergency which is not a force majeure event, the university immediately and without notice may terminate the Residence Agreement and close residences and/ or terminate subsidized housing agreements. Whether Stanford is experiencing an emergency under this provision is to be determined at the sole discretion of Stanford. A campus emergency includes any emergency, even if it is within Stanford’s control and/or authority, which may threaten the safety and wellbeing of its students, employees and/ or community members.
- If a residence on- or off-campus is totally or partially destroyed or becomes temporarily or permanently uninhabitable by any cause, the university or apartment owner is not obligated to rebuild or replace it, and may terminate occupancy and all residence contracts upon notice to residents.
Fees for Terminating an Agreement
Contract-Breaker Rate: Students who move out of housing and are not eligible to break this contract are required to pay housing charges at a contract-breaker rate for the remainder of the academic year, as long as there are vacancies in their category of housing. If no vacancies remain in the departing student’s category of housing by the end of the fifth week of that quarter, the student will be released from contract (and hence the rental obligation) and charged an administrative fee of $450 for such release.
Students who are removed from housing because they did not comply with the terms of this Residence Agreement are required to pay charges at the contract-breaker rate for the remainder of the academic quarter in which the student left housing.
The contract-breaker rate is the lowest rate for the category of housing to which you are assigned, exclusive of house dues and technology fees. For undergraduate students this is the standard residence room rate. (The co-op rate does not apply because students are required to work in the co-op to get that rate, which you are unable to do if you are not living in the co-op.) The contract-breaker rate applies for the remaining nights after you return your key and remove all of your belongings out of your room. If a key has been lost, you must check out with the Housing Service Center or send notification in writing the day of departure.
Contract-Release Fee: Students who are released from their housing contract through petition to R&DE Student Housing Assignments or released from the “contract-breaker” housing charges will be charged an administrative fee of $450 for such release.
Termination of Occupancy Fee
Students who are eligible to terminate their Residence Agreement (see above) at the end of a quarter will be subject to the following administrative fees if they file after the end of the fifth week of the quarter prior to their planned departure. They may also be charged contract breaker fees if applicable (see above).
Termination of Occupancy Dates and Fees
If your occupancy ceases at the end of: | And you file a Termination of Occupancy Form in Axess by: | You are charged an Administrative Fee of: |
Autumn Quarter | October 25, 2024, or before October 26 to November 29, 2024 November 30 to December 6, 2024 December 7, 2024 to December 29, 2024 December 30, 2024, or after | No fee $100 $250 $350 $450 |
Winter Quarter | February 7, 2025, or before February 8 to March 7, 2025 March 8 to March 21, 2025 March 22, 2025, or after | No fee $100 $250 $450 |
Spring Quarter1,2 | May 2, 2025, or before May 3 to May 30, 2025 May 31 to June 13, 2025 June 14, 2025, or after1,2 | No fee $100 $250 $450 |
- These dates apply only to students who have signed full-year contracts. Students who have signed academic-year contracts do not need to complete a Termination of Occupancy form for the end of spring quarter because their Residence Agreement expires at the end of spring quarter.
- Graduate Students in full-year contracts who have not received prior approval from R&DE Student Housing Assignments will not be permitted to terminate their contracts between June 17, 2025, and the end of summer quarter.
Meal Plans
R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries Meal Plans
Meal Plan Requirement
All graduate, undergraduate, coterm, and postdoctoral students living in undergraduate housing are required to be on a R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries meal plan, the sole exception being Mirrielees.
Coterms living in undergraduate housing where a meal plan is mandatory are required to be on a R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries meal plan, including those working as Resident Assistants or in any other university roles.
Coterms living in graduate student housing are eligible to purchase the graduate student voluntary meal plan. You can find more details here.
Graduate Students
Graduate students living in undergraduate housing where a meal plan is mandatory are required to be on a R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries meal plan, including those working as Resident Assistants or any other university roles.
Graduate students living off campus or in graduate student housing are eligible to purchase the graduate student voluntary meal plan. You can find more details here.
Termination of Housing Contract
In residences where the meal plan is required, termination of the housing contract will trigger a cancellation of the meal plan. The meal plan will stay in effect until the day of termination. Meal plans cannot be canceled before the termination date. A prorated refund for the remaining days of the meal plan will be returned to the student's university bill.
When a graduate, undergraduate, coterm or post doc student moves from a residence that doesn't require a meal plan to one that is required, they will automatically be enrolled in the new residence's mandatory meal plan. If there is a difference in the meal plan cost, they will either be charged for the difference in cost or receive a refund. This adjustment in cost will be calculated on a prorated basis, depending on the number of days left in the quarter.
Summer Quarter
In residences where the meal plan is required, students who are working, traveling or having meals provided by a summer job or other program are required to be on the R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries summer meal plan during the summer quarter. Students can change their meal plan to the lowest meal option per week and can coordinate directly with dining halls to plan to-go meals or late plates.
Meal Plan Week
At the end of the day every Saturday, the next week’s meal allotment (19, 15, or 12 meals) is added to student cards. Any unused meals expire at the end of the week (Saturday after dinner).
Plan cards and privileges are nontransferable and cannot be used to obtain food or drink for others.
Meal Plan Enrollment, Changes, Cancellations and Refunds
By accepting the Residence Agreement you agree to be automatically enrolled and assigned a meal plan based on your residence and agree to the terms as set forth herein. You may change your meal plan during the first three weeks of the academic quarter on campus. You can make changes to your meal plan online at rde.stanford.edu/dining/meal-plans. Meal plan changes are prorated on a daily basis. For those plans with meal plan dollars, the meal plan dollar balances are pro-rated as well. If you change your meal plan, and you have already overspent the prorated amount of meal plan dollars on your old plan, you will be charged the difference prior to switching to your new plan.
A student who is under contract and then leaves the university is obligated to fulfill their R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries contract if they return to the university at any time during the contracted academic year.
You are required to pay for the meal plan you choose within the specified time, even if you later change your meal plan. Separate charges or credits resulting from such changes will appear on your statement after each change.
Lost Cards
If you lose your Stanford ID card, you must report the loss immediately to the Stanford ID Card Office. Students are not allowed to enter a R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries dining hall without a valid Stanford ID card.
Meal Plans
Please go to sdha.stanford.edu for a complete description of all R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries meal plans.
Meal Plan Dates by Academic Term
Quarter | Meal Plan Start Date* | Meal Plan End Date |
Autumn | September 20, 2024 | December 13, 2024 |
Winter | January 4, 2025 | March 21, 2025 |
Spring | March 29, 2025 | June 11, 2025 |
Summer Quarter | June 21, 2025 | September 2, 2025 |
*Students moving in prior to the meal plan start date may be charged for additional meal plan days. Thanksgiving week and Spring Break are included in the meal plan days.
Meal Plan Terms and Conditions Disclaimer
By accepting the Residence Agreement and/or enrolling in and purchasing any R&DE Meal Plan, Cardinal Dollars, Catering, Concession or other R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries service, you acknowledge and agree to these terms. R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries is pleased to provide the academic year meal plan calendar at /dining-hospitality/dining-locations-hours. Please be advised that the terms and conditions governing any of the R&DE Meal Plans, Cardinal Dollars, and any of the R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries services, products, offerings, benefits, features, or any other conditions related to them are subject to change without prior notice. This includes any aspects related to R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries services, such as menu offerings, pricing, schedules, and any other features or benefits that R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries provides. As we continuously strive to enhance our offerings, adapt to industry trends, or respond to the university or other conditions or requirements, we may update these terms from time to time.
Conditions of Meal Servings Policy
The R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries meal plan program features unlimited servings of meals eaten in the residential dining rooms. It is your responsibility to take only what you can reasonably eat at each meal (All-You-Care-to-Eat policy). R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries reserves the right to limit the number of servings at special events. Bringing containers, backpacks or bags into the dining hall for use in removing food is not permitted. R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries reserves the right to inspect any packages, coats, bags, purses, etc. brought into the dining areas. Allowing another person to use your meal card, or any other attempt to defraud, may be subject to Stanford University’s conduct system.
R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries Obligations
If R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries is prevented from completing the performance of any obligations under the Residence Agreement due to force majeure or any other emergency situation, then R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries will be excused from the performance of those obligations to the fullest extent allowable.
Student-athlete Dining
Student-athlete Dining, situated at Arrillaga Family Dining Commons (AFDC), was established to cater to the distinct nutritional requirements of student-athletes, offering breakfast and dinner every day of the week. The menu features food that is rich in nutrients, with higher protein content, and is specifically designed to support the performance, recovery, rehabilitation, strength and conditioning, and training needs of Stanford student-athletes. Developed in collaboration with Athletic nutritionists, the menu effectively meets the dietary demands of athletes participating in their various sports.
R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries' CleanDining program (/dining-hospitality/clean-dining) builds upon the already high standards of food safety and sanitation in the dining halls, utilizing industry best practices and enhanced cleaning protocols. The goal of the CleanDining program is to provide students with reassurance of the safety of their dining experience and create a focus on enhanced cleanliness that will be visible to students. For further questions, feedback or information please contact foodsafety@lists.stanford.edu.
Please check /dining-hospitality/dining-locations-hours for the most current information.
Rate, Billing, and Payment Information
Room/Board Fees
Housing and board charges are based on residence, student category, and type of housing. Rates are listed on the R&DE Student Housing website (studenthousing.stanford.edu). Charges are based on the annual room and meal plan rates that are approved for the 2024-25 university calendar year. If your contract begins before September 1, 2024, you will pay for any additional days at the 2024-25 autumn quarter term rates. If you change residences during the term of this contract, you understand and agree that your housing charges may also change.
House Dues
Residents agree to pay house dues even if the dues change during the year. House dues are set by Residential Education (for undergraduate residences) or the Graduate Life Office (for graduate residences). House dues may vary by residence and by term. If you have questions about house dues, contact Residential Education (in undergraduate residences), your Community Associate (in graduate residences) or GSB Residences Student Services (in GSB Residences) directly. House dues are not the same as Greek chapter dues, which may vary by organization, are not on the university bill, and are paid directly to the organization.
Technology Fee
All residents are required to pay a quarterly technology fee, which is assessed for all university residences and off-campus subsidized apartments. The fee partially offsets the costs of technology provided by the University to student residences, including on-going maintenance and support for data networks and residential learning spaces.
Administrative Fees
The university has established certain administrative fees (the “administrative fees”) to compensate the university for the cost of administering requests for particular exceptions to the terms of the Residence Agreement, and in some instances to reflect the damages the university is likely to suffer as a result of noncompliance with the Residence Agreement. By signing the Residence Agreement, you agree that the administrative fees are a reasonable estimate of the additional administrative costs and detriment that will be incurred by the university in these circumstances, and the administrative fees are presumed to be the amount of damage or expense the university will sustain, since it would be impracticable or extremely difficult to fix the actual cost or expense.
Miscellaneous Fees
Miscellaneous fees are for actual cost or expense incurred by the university for which you or your guests are responsible (example: charges for damages to university property).
Billing Information
Charges for room, board, technology fees, house dues, early arrival and late stay housing charges, administrative fees, and any other miscellaneous fees are charged for each academic term or when the fee is assessed. If you change residences during the year, your rates may also change and may appear as multiple line items on your bill. You agree to pay the rates for the new assignment starting on your move date as determined by R&DE Student Housing Assignments. All billing disputes must be raised with the department that placed the charge on your bill (e.g., R&DE Student Housing Assignments; R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries; Residential Education) within 12 months of their first appearance on an account or statement.
All charges are posted, by term, on your university bill. Bills are generated monthly. The first bill of each quarter is furnished prior to the start of the quarter and any changes in your charges will be billed on subsequent billing cycles, after the charges are incurred.
Billing Cycles for Students Living in Undergraduate Housing
Academic Year: Students will be billed for housing charges by term as shown in Axess. Undergraduate students are charged the same amount for housing for each term during the academic year (autumn, winter, and spring) while dining charges reflect the actual number of meals offered during these periods.
Term Dates for Billing for Undergraduate Housing
Academic Term | Dates of Occupancy |
Autumn Quarter | September 19, 2024, to December 14, 2024 |
Winter Quarter | January 4, 2025, to March 22, 2025 |
Spring Quarter | March 29, 2025, to June 13, 2025 |
Summer Quarter | June 21, 2025, to September 2, 2025 |
Early Arrival and Late Stay
Students who arrive before the first day of the term dates shown above or stay after the term dates shown above will pay additional rent or unauthorized occupancy charges (if not approved).
Break Periods
Students are not charged for Winter Break because undergraduate residences close during this period. Typically, a Winter Break housing option is offered, at a cost, to select students who wish to remain in housing during this period. Students who remain in continuous housing from winter quarter to spring quarter are not charged for the spring break period. Students arriving early for spring quarter or staying late if their contract ends at the end of winter quarter will incur charges for these days.
Billing Cycles for Students and Summer Visitors Living in Graduate Housing
Students and summer visitors living in Graduate Housing are billed by term according to their contract dates as shown in Axess. Term dates for billing are shown below. Students who begin their 2024-25 contract before September 1, 2024, will be billed these days with their autumn quarter charges. Contract dates that do not reflect the dates below will be prorated on the basis of a 30-day month regardless of the actual days in the month. If additional days in occupancy are not approved, unauthorized occupancy charges may be incurred.
Term Dates for Billing for Graduate Housing
Academic Term | Months Charged | Dates Included |
Autumn Quarter | 3.50 months | September 1, 2024, to December 16, 2024 |
Winter Quarter | 3.23 months | December 16, 2024, to March 23, 2025 |
Spring Quarter | 2.77 months | March 23, 2025, to June 16, 2025 |
Summer Quarter | 2.50 months | June 16, 2025, to September 1, 2025 |
Payment Information
Information about Stanford billing and payment is available at https://studentservices.stanford.edu/my-finances/understand-your-student-bill-and-payment-system. Outstanding balances not paid by the due date may result in late fees and holds on your account that block enrollment and degree conferral. Acceptance of payment of delinquent housing charges does not waive Stanford’s right to terminate your occupancy for any other breach of the Residence Agreement. Acceptance of partial payment of delinquent housing charges does not waive Stanford’s right to terminate your occupancy for failure to pay other outstanding housing charges. Residents who are not matriculated or not enrolled students (including summer visitors) must pay all room and meal plan charges in full by the bill due date before assuming occupancy of a room.
All fees, charges and payments described in the Residence Agreement are not subject to refund or credit, except as expressly provided in the Residence Agreement.
Sublicensing of on-campus graduate apartments may be approved for up to one quarter per academic year (but not for two consecutive quarters) through R&DE Student Housing Assignments. Rooms in undergraduate housing or in off-campus housing cannot be sublicensed. You can only apply to sublicense if you meet all eligibility requirements as outlined on the sublicensing web page (sublicense.stanford.edu), have lived in your apartment for at least one quarter, and will be returning to live in the apartment at the end of the sublicense period. During the sublicense period you could be away for the summer, be on an approved vacation quarter during the academic year or be enrolled while living a minimum of 50 miles from campus (documentation required). During autumn and winter quarters you can only sublicense to enrolled, matriculated graduate students unless demand has been met and/or the fifth week of the quarter has passed. During spring and summer quarter, you may sublicense to persons affiliated with Stanford University who can provide proof of Stanford affiliation. However, you are not allowed to sublicense to undergraduate students or minors at any time. This includes coterminal students with remaining undergraduate housing guarantee quarters.
You can only sublicense to those who are the same gender as your roommate(s) in shared apartments. The only exception to this is if you are living in a gender inclusive apartment. See sublicensing website for more information. You can only sublicense to the same number or fewer persons than are in your contract (single students can only sublicense to single students, couples can only sublicense to a couple or single student, etc.). You are not permitted to charge more for your residence than the rental rate you pay. You must make sure that your sublicensee understands and agrees to all terms of living in housing per the Residence Agreement and has signed the sublicense agreement. You also are responsible for any fees that the sublicensee may incur such as lock-out fees, damage fees, etc. When advertising a sublicense opportunity, you should post through the Student Housing Sublicense Database. If advertising by other means in addition to Stanford’s database, you must include the following verbiage in each posting: “Only incoming or current Stanford affiliates who can show proof of Stanford affiliation are eligible to apply. Minors, undergraduates, and those not in good standing with the university are not eligible to sublicense.” Sublicense arrangements are not approved until reviewed, finalized, and confirmed by the Sublicensing Office. Advertising fraudulent or unallowable sublicense arrangements is a violation of the Residence Agreement.
If you engage in any unauthorized sublicense activity (as a contract holder or as an unauthorized student sublicensee) you will be charged an unauthorized sublicense activity fee of $450, will need to move out of housing immediately, and will permanently lose your housing privileges. You may also be charged unauthorized occupancy fees of $225 per day. If applicable, your case will be turned over to the Office of Community Standards. In some cases, you may be required to pay back any financial gain that you have received by sublicensing your apartment.
Student Housing reserves the right to discontinue or pause the sublicensing program at any time for any reason.
Force Majeure
The university assumes no responsibility, and will not be deemed in default of the Residence Agreement, for any delay or failure to perform any terms or conditions of this Residence Agreement or modification to accommodations or dining services due to any force majeure. In the event of force majeure, you are required to pay for housing and dining services for as long as you remain in housing. Absent good cause, your failure to remove your personal belongings upon request, obligates you to pay housing charges until such items are removed. For purposes of the Residence Agreement, the term “force majeure” shall mean power outage, fire, earthquake, flood, act of God, strikes, work stoppages or other labor disturbances, riots or civil commotions, crimes, litigation, war or other act of any foreign nation, plague, epidemic, pandemic, power of government or governmental agency or authority, or any other cause like or unlike any cause mentioned above, which is beyond the control or authority of Stanford and either makes performance of the Residence Agreement illegal, impractical, and/or in the reasonable judgment of Stanford, threatens the safety and wellness of its students, employees and/or community members.
Supplemental House Agreements
Some residences require residents to sign a supplemental house agreement because of special conditions that apply to those residences. If you do not fulfill the requirements of the supplemental agreement, the university will reassign you to another residence for the remainder of the term of the Residence Agreement or may terminate your occupancy as provided above.
Supplemental house agreements may in no way cancel or supersede this agreement. In the event of conflict, the order of precedence regarding the student’s obligations and rights shall be university policy, then the Residence Agreement, then any supplemental house agreements. If you do not sign your supplemental house agreement, a hold may be placed against your future housing.
Disclosures, Notices & Warnings
Asbestos, Lead, and Pest Control Notices and Disclosures
Visit Asbestos, Lead and Pest Control Notices and Disclosures to view information on lead, asbestos, pest control and Megan’s Law at
Lead Advisory
Federal and California law requires that notice be provided to persons who are exposed to even extremely small quantities of lead. Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint chips and dust can pose health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, lessors must disclose the presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling, /studenthousing/lead-and-pest-controlnotices-and-disclosures. Occupants must also receive a federally approved online pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention. https://www.epa.gov/lead/protect-your-family-exposures-lead.
Stanford University has an ongoing testing program for lead in Escondido Village and provides information online to Escondido Village families and Resident Fellows with children. Testing has indicated low levels of lead in dust, soil and sand samples. Previous testing of painted surfaces in Escondido Village revealed varying levels of lead in the paint in the apartment units tested. More complete information about testing results and a federally approved pamphlet about ways to minimize risk are posted on the R&DE Student Housing website at studenthousing.stanford.edu/disclosures.
Asbestos and Lead Management
Asbestos and lead paint were commonly used in older buildings and have been identified in some of Stanford’s facilities. These materials are maintained in a safe condition and do not pose any risk of exposure. The university has an ongoing asbestos and lead paint management program and reserves the right to conduct periodic inspections and monitoring and to perform necessary repairs to conform to health and safety standards. You may be temporarily or permanently relocated to another room if abatement or removal of asbestos or lead is required. You must not damage or otherwise disturb floor tile, walls or ceiling materials with hooks, nails or other materials, nor scrape or sand any painted surfaces in your living space. Pipe or boiler insulation may never be moved or disturbed. Please report any observations of damaged building materials or concerns to your Housing Service Center.
Pest Control Notice
California state law requires that occupants be given a copy of the notice provided by a registered pest control company that is used for periodic pest control service. This notice is posted on the R&DE Student Housing website at studenthousing.stanford.edu/disclosures. In addition, whenever residents request that pest control action be taken inside their rooms, separate and specific notices will be given to or left for affected residents by the pest control company. This notice contains information on what agent was used and any pertinent instructions the company recommends be followed.
CA Prop 65 Residential Rental Property Exposure Warning
California State Law requires us to include the warning below in this agreement. If you have specific questions for Stanford please contact Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) at https://ehs.stanford.edu/topic/hazardous-materials/proposition-65 or (650) 723-0448.
WARNING: Brass objects on this property can expose you to chemicals including lead, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Talk to your landlord or the building owner about how and when you could be exposed to these chemicals in your building. For additional information go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov/apartments.
Megan’s Law
California state law requires that all residential occupancy agreements contain the following notice regarding registered sex offenders.
Notice: Pursuant to Section 290.46 of the Penal Code, information about specified registered sex offenders is made available to the public via an Internet website maintained by the Department of Justice at www.meganslaw.ca.gov. Depending on an offender’s criminal history, this information will include either the address at which the offender resides or the community of residence and ZIP Code in which he or she resides.
Building Security
Stanford University Policy requires that all student residential facilities be secured at all times. Students are expected to ensure that doors are secured when entering or exiting a building. Building doors are not to be propped or held open. When a security failure is discovered, it should immediately be reported to the Housing Service Center, building management staff members, or the after-hours R&DE Maintenance Hotline at (650) 725-1602. This policy applies to all buildings with electronic card access doors as well as mechanically keyed doors. Students are expected to ensure that the doors to their personal rooms/residences are locked.
Building Access
It is against university policy to tamper with any building access equipment, such as crash bars, door/window restrictors or locks/latches, card readers, audible alarms, door sensors, display panels, or motion sensors. Violators will be subject to an administrative fee of $500 and university disciplinary action. Remote door openers and temporary access cards must be returned to the Housing Service Center from which they were issued at the time of move-out. Losing or otherwise failing to return either will result in an administrative fee for the cost of replacement for the remote opener or temporary access card. Students are expected to keep their keys in their possession and are prohibited from storing keys in lock boxes or other devices kept around their residences.
Unless electronically accessed using their Stanford ID Card, undergraduate students are issued one key to their room, common areas of their residence, and their building. Unless electronically accessed using their Stanford ID Card, graduate students in single student housing receive one key to their apartment. In Couples without Children Housing and Student with Children Housing, students receive one key at check-in. Spouses and significant others must also check-in at their Housing Service Center and sign out their own key. Children over the age of 10 may also be issued a key upon request. With the approval of the Office of Accessible Education, students may also receive an additional key for a personal care attendant. Only residents noted on housing contracts will be issued an apartment key; guests or service providers will not be issued keys. Keys may not be duplicated, and a non-university locksmith may not alter or repair a lock. Students found violating this policy will be charged an administrative fee for the rekeying and have the incident referred to the Residence Director or Graduate Life Office Dean.
You are responsible for the keys issued to you. If your key is damaged, return the key to the Housing Service Center and it can be replaced without a fee as long as the key is identifiable as the one you were issued. Lost keys must be reported immediately. If a door or mailbox must be rekeyed because of a lost key, the student(s) responsible for losing the key is charged an administrative fee for the rekey. Students who fail to return key(s) issued to them to their local Housing Service Center on the day and time of their expected move-out are charged an administrative fee to rekey their room.
Room changes: Keys must be turned in to the local Housing Service Center and re-issued for all room changes. Keys may not be handed off by a vacating resident to the new occupant of the room.
Lockout Assistance
If you are locked out, Housing Service Center staff for your building can loan you a key for your room or apartment during normal business hours. Both graduate and undergraduate students may call (650) 725-1602 for after-hours lockout assistance from the R&DE Community Access Response Enterprise (CARE) team. You will need to present a Stanford ID or government-issued ID to receive a key, and there will be a charge for lockout assistance provided through the CARE team. Graduate students will be provided one complimentary CARE team lockout assistance per academic year. After the first lockout, a $45 fee will be charged. For undergraduate students, there will be a $45 fee for each after-hours lockout.
Privacy of Housing Information
Residence assignments and room numbers are generally not shared with third-parties. You may designate which information should be kept private or public through Axess at any time. Once you request privacy, the information will be held private until you change or revoke your privacy request. Details can be found at: https://studentservices.stanford.edu/my-information/directory-privacy-settings.
From time to time the United States Census Office will request that students complete a government census form. If your name and/or building is randomly selected you will be contacted by a US census worker to participate in the survey. An explanation of how this information is used is available through the United States Census Office and on the individual forms they provide.
Filming/Recording/Photography Policy
Only university authorized security video systems are permitted in and around student residences. No individual may film, record or photograph another person without consent in student residences, including student rooms/apartments, interior hallways, restrooms, or community spaces including lounges and multipurpose spaces. Personal video doorbells and other similar devices are not permitted.
Residence Agreement Policies and Procedures
By submitting your housing application in Axess and agreeing to the terms of the Residence Agreement, you are agreeing to abide by the following Residence Agreement Policies and Procedures. The Residence Agreement Policies and Procedures as they exist on the R&DE Student Housing website at: /studenthousing/residence-agreement-policies-and-procedures-2024-25 contain the currently applicable policies and information. Students are expected to read and familiarize themselves with these policies at the start of each quarter in residence. The University reserves the right to make changes to the Residence Agreement Policies at any time without prior notice.
The Residence Agreement Policies and Procedures include the following:
Assignment Policies and Procedures
- Undergraduate and Graduate Assignments
- Reassignments, including Mandatory Reassignment
- Fraternity and Sorority Assignments
- Disability/ Medical Accommodation Requests
Living in Housing Policies and Procedures
- Balconies, Decks, Patios, Stairwells, and Common Areas
- Bicycles, Drones, and Vehicles
- Chalking
- Child-Care Policy
- Cleaning and Moving Out
- Construction and Renovation
- Controlled Substances and Alcohol
- Smoke-Free Environment
- Damage, Loss, and Renter’s Insurance
- Entrepreneurial Enterprises
- Furniture
- Guest Policy
- House Storage Space
- Inspections and University Access to Residences
- Installing Personal Appliances
- Noise Policy
- Pets
- Recreational Equipment
- Repairs or Modifications to the Interior and Exterior of Buildings
- Restricted Areas
- Solicitation
- Title IX Policy and Procedures
- Utilities and Technology
Health, Safety, and Security Policies
- Emergency Policies
- Prohibited Items