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2024 Summer-Autumn Interim Move Schedule for Students Requesting to Remain on campus during the Summer-Autumn Interim

If your Summer Residence is:If you requested Summer-Autumn Interim Housing, you: Move In Date and Time:
Governor's Corner (EAST)will be required to move to a room in Naranja or ToyonTuesday, September 3 at 3PM
Lagunita Hall (Adelfa, Eucalipto, Granada, Ujamaa, Meier, Norcliffe)will be required to move to a room in Naranja or ToyonTuesday, September 3 at 3PM
EVGR-A Duan Family Hallwill be required to move to a room in Naranja or ToyonTuesday, September 3 at 3PM
Naranja may remain in residence until the scheduled interim move date below 
Toyonmay remain in residence until the scheduled interim move date below 


Move Schedule for Students Moving from Summer/Autumn Interim Housing to Autumn Quarter Housing

If your Autumn Residence is:Pick up your keys at your Autumn Housing Service Center by:Which Housing Service Center?Your summer keys must be returned to your Summer Housing Service Center by:
BrannerFriday, September 13 at 5 pmHousing Service Center for Ginkgo at Crothers HallFriday, September 13 at 9 pm
Crothers, Crothers MemorialSaturday, September 14 at 4 pmHousing Service Center for Ginkgo at Crothers HallFriday, September 14 at 9 pm
EVGR-A Duan Family HallTuesday, September 10 at 9 amEVGR-A Duan Family Hall Housing Service CenterTuesday, September 10 at 1 pm

Florence Moore  (Alondra, Cardenal, Faisan, Gavilan, Loro, Mirlo, Paloma)


Robert Moore North - The Well House 

Tuesday, September 10 at 9 amHousing Service Center for Olive at LasuenTuesday, September 10 at 1 pm
Gerhard Casper Quad (Castano, Lantana, Ng/Humanities)Tuesday, September 10 at 9 amHousing Service Center for Wisteria at Wilbur HallTuesday, September 10 at 1 pm
Gerhard Casper Quad (Kimball)Friday, September 13 at 5 pmHousing Service Center for Wisteria at Wilbur HallFriday, September 13 at 9 pm
Governor's Corner (Murray, EAST, Yost, Sterling Quad (Potter, Robinson, Freshman Sophomore College), Suites (Anderson, Griffin, Jenkins, Marx)Tuesday, September 10 at 9 amHousing Service Center for Magnolia at Governor's CornerTuesday, September 10 at 1 pm
Lagunita (Adelfa, Eucalipto, Granada, Meier, Norcliffe, Ujamaa)Tuesday, September 10 at 9 amHousing Service Center for Redwood at Governor's CornerTuesday, September 10 at 1 pm
Lagunita (Naranja)Friday, September 13 at 5 pmHousing Service Center for Redwood at Governor's CornerFriday, September 13 at 9 pm
MirrieleesTuesday, September 10 at 9 amHousing Service Center for Wisteria at Wilbur HallTuesday, September 10 at 1 pm
RobleTuesday, September 10 at 9 amHousing Service Center for Redwood at Governor's CornerTuesday, September 10 at 1 pm
Row Houses  BOB, Kappa Alpha Theta, Terra, ZAP, Kappa Alpha, Enchanted Broccoli Forest, Jerry, Narnia, Toussaint Louverture House,Columbae, Delta Delta Delta, Mars, NeptunePluto, Sigma Nu, Grove, Kairos, Phi Kappa Psi, Pi Beta Phi, Grove, Kairos, Phi Kappa Psi, Pi Beta Phi, 576 Alvarado, 675 Lomita, 680 Lomita, Durand, Hammarskjold, Kappa Sigma, Robert Moore North, Roth, The Warehaus. Storey, 1018 Campus, Xanadu,  550 Lasuen, Sigma Phi Epsilon, SynergyTuesday, September 10 at 9 amHousing Service Center for Rowan at LasuenTuesday, September 10 at 1 pm
Stern (Twain)Friday, September 13 at 5 pmHousing Service Center for Aspen at Crothers HallFriday, September 13 at 9 pm
Stern (Burbank, Casa Zapata, Donner, Larkin, Sally Ride)Saturday, September 14 at 4 pmHousing Service Center for Aspen at Crothers HallSaturday, September 14 at 9 pm
ToyonSaturday, September 14 at 4pmHousing Service Center for Ginkgo at Crothers HallSaturday, September 14 at 9 pm
Wilbur (Arroyo, Cedro, Junipero, Okada, Otero, Rinconada, Soto, Trancos)Saturday, September 14 at 4 pmHousing Service Center for Sequoia at Wilbur HallSaturday, September 14 at 9 pm

Moving between Graduate and Undergraduate Housing? Contact your Housing Service Center to verify your move date.

Keys not returned to your Summer Housing Service Center can result in late departure or re-key charges. Keys should NOT be returned to your RA or other house staff.