Meet the Team
Residential & Dining Enterprises (R&DE) is the Universities largest Auxiliary, which means we are a self-contained entity that must generate funding for its services and facility costs, including construction and renovations. R&DE generates that funding primarily through room/board and rental payments. Other enterprises such as conferences, cafés, catering, a guest house, and concessions help maintain room and board and rental rates at reasonable levels for students.
R&DE Finance & Administration provides innovative and sound financial management, implements policies and procedures, provides strategic and long-range planning, and coordinates all aspects of vendor relationships. We have a fiscal responsibility requiring balance between services and finances, and we have a fiduciary responsibility to use resources in an efficient and effective manner.
R&DE Finance
The R&DE Finance team serves as the gatekeeper for R&DE’s operating budget. We provide accounting and financial management support, partner with operators to track and analyze benchmarks and metrics to enhance operational performance and efficiently allocate resources, and assist leadership with long-range and strategic planning. We manage policies and procedures to mitigate risk and ensure consistent application of business practices across R&DE divisions. We lead R&DE’s annual budgeting process and manage the annual room and board rate setting process.
- For requests related to the RDE food eProcurement/purchasing system or the Point-of-Sale system, please contact the Food Operation Systems Analytics (FOSA) team: contactfosa@lists.stanford.edu
- For Invoice submission and Accounts Payable inquiries, please route to the appropriate division email list:
R&DE Stanford Dining, Hospitality & Auxiliaries: dining-sha-finance@lists.stanford.edu
MCP Facility Planning/Projects: cppmfinance@lists.stanford.edu
MCP Maintenance: rdemaintfinance@lists.stanford.edu
Student Housing Operations: shfinance@lists.stanford.edu
R&DE IT: rdeitfinance@lists.stanford.edu
Administration, Business Support or Central Finance: sr_avp_finance@lists.stanford.edu
R&DE Vendor Management & Contracts
The R&DE Vendor Management & Contracts team coordinates all aspects of vendor relationships including sourcing goods and services, assessing potential vendors, supporting small and diverse suppliers, negotiating contracts, purchasing goods and services and managing ongoing vendor relationships for all R&DE operations. We collaborate with operators to select the right vendor to meet business goals, save time and money, and mitigate risk. Our strong vendor relationships help reduce the risk of supply chain disruption and ensure the goods and services provided are delivered on time and to the expected standard.
- View R&DE's rules for vendors here
- To request services for R&DE Maintenance – vmc-maintenance@lists.stanford.edu
- For MCP Project Delivery to send documents for bidding or issuing a contract - rde_contracts_group@lists.stanford.edu
- For requesting logo items, printing, signage – VMC-BUS-SUPPORT@LISTS.STANFORD.EDU
- For questions related to scheduled services, SHO janitorial supplies, IT contracts and hardware – rde-vmc-scheduled-services@lists.stanford.edu
Helpful links to the most commonly requested resources:
Fingate I Gateway to Financial Activities
Managing Aging PCard & TCard Expense Transactions
Most Commonly used Expenditure Types
Oracle Financial Systems
PCard Pre-Approval Form => Link to Google drive TBD
Staff Training Assistance Program (STAP)
Stanford Business & Travel Expense Desk Guide
Stanford Travel Booking Channels & Benefits Desk Guide
Stanford Administrative Guide
Submit an SU Expense Request
Employee Gifts and Awards Policy