Guidelines for Youth Program Participants
Welcome to Stanford University!
Summer is an exciting time on Stanford’s campus, with many youth sports camps and youth academic programs. Youths of many backgrounds and interests visit and stay on campus for our camps, from ages 6 through college. We want you to have a wonderful time while you are here, and have included the following guidelines and information to help you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, please speak with your Camp Counselor, or contact your Conference Housing Service Center.

Stanford’s Rules for Your Best Experience
Whether you’re a first-time or returning guest of the University, we hope your time at Stanford is definitely something to write home about! To help ensure the best experience for all visitors, we offer several rules and guidelines to follow during your stay. As with our regular students, we ask that you respect others who are sharing the campus, as well as Stanford property. To help keep summers at Stanford the best, please refrain from the following behavior:
- Unruly behavior
- Disrespect for University property or personnel
- Derogatory comments or gestures made to any members of the University community
- Intimidation of others through the threat or use of violence
- Use or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, firearms, or firecrackers
- Tampering with fire alarms or other actions that could affect the safety of others
- Cyberbullying
If your program is using classroom or auditorium space, please remember that these facilities are frequently located near faculty and staff offices and/or regular Stanford classes. In consideration of your campus neighbors, we ask that you please refrain from engaging in the following activities:
- Running, playing, loud talking and loud music in the halls of these buildings
- Requesting to use office phones, except in an emergency
- In addition, we also ask that your program refrain from the above mentioned activities in the Main Quad area of the campus
Safety and Security
We want all of our guests to feel safe and secure while visiting the University. You can help us by following these directions:
- Be sure to read the important Emergency Evacuation information posted on the back of the door to your sleeping room. This information includes special instructions about what to do in the event of an earthquake, fire, or other campus emergency
- Ensure that doors firmly latch behind you when entering/exiting a building
- Do not prop doors open
- Do not allow strangers into the residences
- Carry your keys/fob with you at all times; please do not lend your keys to anyone
- Keep doors and windows locked when you leave your room
- Do not sit on window ledges or climb in or out of windows
- If you need to leave early for medical or family reasons, please be sure to notify your Camp Counselor
- Do not bring candles into your residence as they are considered a fire hazard
Protection of Minors Involved in Stanford Programs and Activities
Stanford University has adopted a Policy for Protection of Minors to establish safeguards for children under the age of 18 who participate in Stanford activities and programs on campus or under the authority and direction of the university at other locations. Please visit the Protection of Minors Involved in Stanford Programs and Activities website for more information.
Commonly Asked Questions
What do I do in case of an emergency?
If you see a suspicious person in your residence, experience theft of your personal belongings, or observe a fire or other crisis situation, please report such incidents immediately to your Camp Counselor or to your Conference Housing Service Center.
Are there any rules about making noise?
There are many other programs that will be living close to your residence. For this reason, we ask that all programs maintain quiet hours between 10PM and 7AM. Your program may have an earlier curfew that you will be required to follow.
What do I do if I lock myself out of my room?
See your Camp Counselor. They may have a master key to open your door. If not, please ask your Conference Housing Service Center for assistance.
What if I lose my room key?
For security reasons, your room lock will be changed immediately, and a new key will be issued to you. Unless your conference is covering the cost associated with this, you will be charged for this.
What happens if I damage something?
We assume that you will treat all University property with respect. If there are damages that occur due to your conduct, you will be responsible for paying the necessary repairs. Report any incident to your Camp Counselor immediately. Some examples of what we consider damage include: broken windows or blinds, broken window screens, broken light fixtures in hallways or in student rooms, stains on carpets, and holes in walls. Furniture that has been moved or rearranged during your stay should be put back in place before you depart. Otherwise, you could be charged for damage.
Your friendly and knowledgeable Conference Housing Service Center staff will be happy to lend a helping hand if you have any questions or need assistance during your stay on campus.
On behalf of Stanford Conferences . . . enjoy your stay at Stanford University!