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Rains Houses

Graduate Housing Statistics 2011-12

General Housing Statistics

Approximately 4,762 graduate students live on campus (about 56% of the matriculated graduate students at the home campus).

Assignment Round Statistics
(Statistics will be added throughout the year as the assignment rounds are completed.)

Autumn Quarter Lottery Results

Overall First-Round Lottery Statistics

In the 2011-12 Lottery there were a total of 5325 students who applied for Graduate Housing. That represents an increase of 118 applications over the previous year, largely from new graduate students. Despite the construction of additional graduate housing in 2009-10, the available spaces have not been able to keep pace with the increase in graduate enrollment over the last few years. Of the total applicants, 2,230 were renewals. After the first round there were 165 new students unassigned and 504 continuing students unassigned. For more details, see below.

2011-12 Graduate Housing Lottery

  Single Students Couples without Children Students with Children
  New Cont'g. New Cont'g. Total New Cont'g. Total New Cont'g. Total
  Men Women              
Applied for Housing 1332 1666 773 831 4602 173 286 459 70 194 264
Assigned to Housing 1237 108 718 84 2147 158 17 175 70 34 104
Renewed Current Housing Contract --- 1271 --- 608 1879 --- 202 202 --- 149 149
Not Assigned to Housing 95 287 55 139 576 15 67 82 0 11 11

Couples without Children
All students who applied for Couple without Children Housing by the deadline were given a random number from 0001 to 1000. (Current students living in Couple without Children Housing who renewed their housing contracts were not given application numbers.)

New Graduate Students:

  • In the first-round Lottery, 173 first-year graduate students applied for Couple without Children Housing.
  • All of the 158 new students who were willing to live anywhere were assigned.
  • There were 15 first-year graduate couples without children whose restricted choices and high lottery numbers did not allow us to offer them an assignment.

Continuing Graduate Students:

  • In the first-round Lottery, 286 continuing students applied for Couple without Children Housing.
  • 202 students renewed their current apartments, 17 students were assigned and 67 students were not assigned.
  • Of the unassigned students, 57 have assignment priority years remaining and 10 are without priority years.
  • Almost all of the continuing students assigned were law students with the Munger priority, exempt staff or medical accommodations.
  • No continuing couples without children without assignment priority years were assigned in the regular lottery.

Students with Children
All students with children who applied for housing by the deadline were assigned a random application number from 0001 to 0500. (Current students living in Student with Children Housing who renewed their housing contracts were not given application numbers.)

New Graduate Students:

  • All 70 of the new students with children were assigned.

Continuing Graduate Students:

  • In the first-round Lottery, 194 continuing students applied for Student with Children Housing.
  • There were 149 students who renewed their current apartments.
  • All but one of the 26 students who applied with assignment priority years were assigned.
  • That one student had restricted choices and  a lottery number that did not allow us to offer him an assignment.
  • Nine of the 19 students without housing priority were assigned and the remaining 11 students were not assigned.

Single Students
All single students who applied for graduate housing by the deadline were assigned a random application number from 0001 to 3500. (Current students living in Single Graduate Student Housing who renewed their housing contracts were not given application numbers.) Students who requested to be in a group were given a common number.

New graduate students who select that they are willing to live anywhere on campus are guaranteed housing. In the first round of assignments the Munger apartments were not automatically assigned out of the final choice “assign me anywhere on campus” due to their price. In addition to the higher cost options, the autumn only selections are also not included in the final choice. These options were only assigned to students who specifically listed them as a choice on their applications.

New Graduate Students:

  • Out of the 2,105 new students who applied for single graduate housing, 1,955 were assigned.
  • 173 of those assigned were GSB assignments to the Schwab Residential Center.
  • There are 150 new students who were not assigned after the first round.
  • 78 of the unassigned new students are still guaranteed because they indicated that they were willing to live anywhere.

Continuing Graduate Students:

  • In the first-round Lottery, 2497 continuing students applied for Single Graduate Housing.
  • There were 1,879 single graduate students who  elected to renew their current apartments.
  • Of the 567 continuing single graduate students with assignment priority years who applied, 188 were assigned, leaving 379 students not assigned.
  • Four of the 51 continuing single graduate students without assignment priority years were assigned, although not as part of the regular Lottery.
  • All of these assignments to continuing single students were made to law students with the Munger priority, medical accommodations or exempt staff.

Special Priorities

Listed below are the priorities available for each single graduate student residence.

Residence Priority Level 1 Priority Level 2 Priority Level 3
Munger Returning resident law students Law students Returning resident, non-law students
Other residences Returning residents - -

Autumn Quarter Waiting List Results

Students Seeking Assignment

  Single Students Couples without Children Students with Children
  New Cont'g New Cont'g Total New Cont'g. Total New Cont'g. Total
  Men Women              
Applied for Assignment 139 202 104 100 545 21 53 74 6 8 14
Assigned 40 3 7 38 88 4 2 6 6 2 8
Not Assigned 99 199 97 62 457 17 51 68 0 6 6

Students Seeking Reassignment

  Single Students Couples without Children Students with Children
  New Cont'g New Cont'g Total New Cont'g. Total New Cont'g. Total
  Men Women              
Applied for Reassignment 120 6 68 5 199 28 1 29 0 2 2
Reassigned 20 2 26 4 48 5 1 6 0 1 1
Not Reassigned 100 4 42 1 151 23 0 23 0 1 1

References to students seeking assignment apply to students who do not currently have a housing assignment for 2011-12. Students seeking reassignment refers to students who were assigned in the Lottery and are seeking a reassignment to a higher assignment preference within the same housing category.

Single Students: In the Waiting List assignment round almost all of the new assignments were made to new incoming graduate students. The only continuing students who were assigned to housing in this round were special exemptions for students with documented medical needs or law students with a priority to Munger.

Couples without Children: In the Waiting List assignment round almost all of the new assignments were made to new incoming graduate students. The only continuing students who were assigned to housing in this round were special exemptions for students with documented medical needs.

Students with Children: In the Waiting List assignment round all new graduate students were assigned. A small number of continuing students with housing priority years were assigned.

Autumn Quarter Continuous Assignments

Additional vacancies become available after the Waiting List. Here are the number of students assigned during the Continuous Assignment process.

Category of Housing Number of Students Assigned Number of Students Reassigned
Single Females 49 16
Single Males 80 32
Couples without Children 20 12
Students with Children 9 1

Winter Quarter Waiting List Results

Students Seeking Assignment

  Single Students Couples without Children Students with Children
  New Cont'g New Cont'g Total New Cont'g. Total New Cont'g. Total
  Men Women              
Students Seeking Reassignment 63 1 34 4   8 14   1 4  
Students Seeking Assignment 14 47 8 25   1 6   0 4  
Total Applications 77 48 42 29 196 9 20 29 1 8 9
Students Reassigned 63 1 34 4   7 3   1 4  
Students Assigned 5 1 3 0   0 0   0 0  
Total Assigned/Reassigned 68 2 37 4 111 7 3 10 1 4 5
Students Not Reassigned 0 0 0 0   1 11   0 0  
Students Not Assigned 9 46 5 25   1 6   0 4  
Total Not Assigned/Reassigned 9 46 5 25 85 2 17 19 0 4 4

References to students seeking assignment apply to students who currently live off-campus and are seeking on-campus housing. Students seeking reassignment refers to students who currently live on-campus and are seeking new housing in a different category due to a change in marital or family status or students whose housing is not available for winter. Reassignments within the same category of housing are made through the Continuous Assignments process after the demand from students without housing has been met (unless there is a change in family size).

Assignments were offered per the assignment priority system and the waiting list reassignment process. Guaranteed students are considered for assignment first, students seeking reassignment second (new students before continuing), followed by students seeking assignment (new students before continuing).

Single Students: In the Waiting List assignment round, all of the guaranteed students and those students seeking reassignment were assigned. A small number of new graduate students seeking assignment were offered housing. Some continuing Law students were assigned beyond the general cut off due to the priority they receive to Munger Graduate Residence.

Couples without Children: There were a limited number of unfurnished and furnished apartments available in Escondido so we were only able to accommodate some of students seeking reassignment. There were no vacancies in Munger Graduate Residence for couples without children.

Students with Children: All of the students seeking reassignments were assigned in the Waiting list.

Winter Quarter Continuous Assignments

Additional vacancies become available after the Waiting List. Here are the numbers of students assigned during the winter Continuous Assignment process.


Category of Housing Number of Students Assigned Number of Students Reassigned
Single Females 32 35
Single Males 43 34
Couples without Children 4 3
Students with Children 6 0

Spring Quarter Waiting List Results

Students Seeking Assignment

  Single Students Couples without Children Students with Children
  New Cont'g New Cont'g Total New Cont'g. Total New Cont'g. Total
  Men Women              
Students Seeking Reassignment 13 2 1 0 16 2 16 18 5 14 19
Students Seeking Assignment 4 14 6 19 43 0 13 13 0 3 3
Total Applications 17 16 7 19 59 2 29 31 5 17 22
Students Reassigned 13 2 1 0 16 1 13 14 5 9 14
Students Assigned 3 14 3 16 36 0 1 1 0 0 0
Total Assigned/Reassigned 16 16 4 16 52 1 14 15 5 9 14
Students Not Reassigned 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 4 0 5 5
Students Not Assigned 1 0 3 3 7 0 12 12 0 3 3
Total Not Assigned/Reassigned 1 0 3 3 7 1 15 16 0 8 8

References to students seeking assignment apply to students who currently live off-campus and are seeking on-campus housing. Students seeking reassignment refers to students who currently live on-campus and are seeking new housing in a different category due to a change in marital or family status or students whose housing is not available for spring. Reassignments within the same category of housing are made through the Continuous Assignments process after the demand from students without housing has been met (unless there is a change in family size).

Assignments were offered per the assignment priority system and the waiting list reassignment process. Guaranteed students are considered for assignment first, students seeking reassignment second (new students before continuing), followed by students seeking assignment (new students before continuing).

Single Students: In the Waiting List assignment round all of the students who did not have restricted choices were assigned.

Couples without Children: In the Waiting List assignment round all of the students who were seeking reassignment and did not have restricted choices were reassigned and only one student who does not currently live on campus was assigned.

Students with Children: About two thirds of the students seeking reassignments were assigned in the Waiting List and we were not able to assign students who do not currently live on campus.

Spring Quarter Continuous Assignments

Additional vacancies become available after the Waiting List. Here are the number of students assigned during the spring Continuous Assignment process.

Category of Housing

Number of Students Assigned

Single Females


Single Males


Couples without Children


Students with Children


Last modified Fri, 16 Nov, 2012 at 13:42