Residence Halls Housing Options
Life in residence halls centers on individual floors or wings, in single houses, and in entire residences. Resident Fellows and Resident Assistants help student residents plan educational, social, and recreational activities. Students are encouraged to initiate programs on their own and to participate in programs planned by other house residents.
Residence halls vary greatly in their physical plan. All residence halls are mixed gender. In some frosh houses, men and women live on separate floors; in most residence halls, students of different genders live on the same floor.
Each of the large housing complexes has a common dining facility that is shared by the different houses within the complex. These dining halls are run by R&DE Stanford Dining and residents are required to have a meal plan. These complexes include Branner Hall, Florence Moore, Lagunita Court, Gerhard Casper Quad, Sterling Quad (in Governor’s Corner), Stern Hall, and Wilbur Hall. Arrillaga Family Dining Commons serves the students in Toyon Hall and Crothers Hall. Lagunita Court and Roble Hall dine at Lakeside Dining, which is located on the Lake Lagunita side of Lagunita Hall. Students on R&DE Stanford Dining plans can choose to eat at any of the dining halls on campus.
Undergraduate Residence Halls
There are ten undergraduate residence halls at Stanford:
Branner Hall
Frosh residence
Crothers Hall
Frosh and upperclass residences
Florence Moore Hall
Frosh, upperclass and 4-class residences
Gerhard Casper Quad
Frosh and upperclass residences
Governor's Corner: Sterling Quad
Frosh, upperclass and 4-class residences
Lagunita Court
Frosh, Upperclass and 4-class residences
Roble Hall
Upperclass residence
Stern Hall
Frosh, upperclass and 4-class residences
Toyon Hall
Upperclass residence
Wilbur Hall
Frosh, upperclass, and 4-class residences